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Constitution of the Dahlgren Yacht Club

3 February 2015

Change history:

  1. Amended by the Board of Governors on 10/9/2012 in accordance with Article IV Section 5 paragraph B to handle base name changes at the request of Command.
  2. Amended by the membership at the annual meeting on 1/25/2014 in accordance with Article IV, Section 5, paragraph A to add and an Information Technology Governor to the BOG.
  3. Amended by the membership at the annual meeting on 1/24/2015 in accordance with Article IV, Section 5, paragraph A to:
    1. Article III, Section 3, paragraph A to add active duty military from any location as regular members. Removed employees of other organizations on base from regular membership. Allow regular members that transfer to other activities or locations to continue as regular members as long as they continue to be Federal Civilian Employees.
    2. Article III, Section 3, paragraph D to add requirement for Racing Associates to have sponsorship by DYC member who is responsible for providing any required base access.
    3. Article VI, Section 1 paragraph C, to remove paragraph C thus removing ramp pass.
    4. Article VII, Section 1, paragraph B to remove tenant activities wording from commute distance of 30 miles as some tenant activities are located in excess of 30 miles from Dahlgren.
    5. Article VII, Section 1, paragraph E to remove Active Duty Military Regular members from the top of the priority list. They will have same priority as all other Regular members.


Section 1: NAME

The organization shall be known as the Dahlgren Yacht Club (DYC).

Section 2: PURPOSE

The purpose of DYC shall be to provide non-profit recreational facilities and activities for members, their families and guests.

Section 3: AUTHORITY

DYC exists as an approved Class IV, DOD Civilian Employee Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR), Non-appropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI) and is subject to current DOD and Navy Regulations. The Commander, Naval Support Activity South Potomac, NSF Dahlgren, hereafter referred to as the NAVAL BASE, has empowered a Board of Governors (BOG) to oversee operations of DYC. Actions taken by the BOG are subject to review and approval by the Commander and shall not be contrary to Command policy.



The BOG shall consist of the Commodore, Vice Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, Dock Master, Assistant Dock Master, Race Governor, Membership Governor, Social Governor, Ex Officio Member, Newsletter Editor, Training and Seamanship Governor, and Information Technology (IT) Governor.


  1. All members of the Board of Governors (BOG) shall be elected by majority vote of the members in good standing in attendance at the Annual General Membership Meeting. The NAVAL BASE COMMANDER may appoint a non-voting MWR Advisor to the board.
  2. The term of office for all BOG members shall be approximately one year beginning upon the date of election at the Annual General Membership Meeting and ending upon the date of the following election at the next Annual General Membership Meeting. No person may serve more than 3 consecutive terms in any single BOG position except the IT Governor position shall not be term limited.
  3. Membership on the Board of Governors is open to Dahlgren Yacht Club Members in good standing at the time of election.
    1. The Commodore, Vice Commodore, Treasurer, Dock Master, Assistant Dock Master, and Membership Governor shall be limited to Regular Members, Associate Members, and Unaffiliated Associate Members.
    2. The Secretary, Social Governor, Training and Seamanship Governor, Race Committee Governor, Newsletter Editor, Ex Officio Governor, and IT Governor may be Regular Members, Associate Members, Unaffiliated Associate Members, or Racing Associate Members.
  4. The outgoing BOG shall nominate a slate of officers for election at the Annual General Membership Meeting. Nominations for all positions shall be opened during the Annual General Membership Meeting and all persons properly nominated shall be added to the slate of nominees. The BOG nominated slate of officers shall be published to the general membership in a notice of Annual General Membership Meeting at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled date of the Annual General Membership Meeting. The notice shall include a statement that additional nominations for all BOG positions will be accepted during the Annual General Membership Meeting.
  5. Resignations from the BOG shall be accepted by the BOG. The BOG shall elect by majority vote a replacement to serve the unexpired term of the person who has resigned or otherwise left the BOG.


  1. All actions will be by majority vote of the BOG with each member of the BOG having one vote.
  2. The BOG shall have the power to:
    1. make the operating rules and regulations;
    2. review and approve membership;
    3. establish and collect dues, fees, and assessments;
    4. receive and adjust complaints;
    5. impose and remit penalties for violations of the Constitution, rules, and regulations;
    6. appoint committees;
    7. expel a member from DYC;
    8. remove a BOG member from the BOG
    9. accept resignations of elected members;
    10. perform such acts, consistent with the DYC Constitution, as they deem necessary for the welfare of DYC and its members;
    11. establish an annual budget for allocation of funds.


  1. Commodore.
    1. The Commodore shall monitor the safe and efficient operation of DYC, ensure that DYC satisfies the needs of its members and the NAVAL BASE, and ensure compliance with current Navy regulations. The Commodore shall preside at all DYC and BOG meetings.
    2. The Commodore may exercise the powers assigned to the BOG in Section 3 paragraphs b.4 and b.10 under circumstances where, in the judgment of the Commodore, immediate action must be taken to protect the interests or reputation of DYC and the BOG cannot be summoned to a meeting to act on the issue in a timely manner. When the Commodore takes actions authorized by this paragraph he/she will report the action to the BOG at the next BOG meeting.
    3. The Commodore and Treasurer will have "signature authority" to sign checks drawn on the DYC accounts.
  2. The Vice Commodore shall assist the Commodore in the performance of the above duties and, in the Commodore's absence, preside at DYC and BOG meetings. The Vice Commodore will nominate members to the BOG, to chair committees, as appropriate.
  3. The Secretary shall keep and read the minutes of all DYC and BOG meetings. The Secretary shall notify all BOG members of all DYC meetings, stating time, place, reason, and agenda. The Secretary shall prepare DYC generated correspondence for signature and ensure it is mailed. The Secretary will retain copies of all Club generated correspondence, and pertinent DOD and Navy Instructions.
  4. The Treasurer shall keep all financial records and is authorized to pay all charges/bills associated with normal daily business practices (telephone bill, utility assessments, existing contractual charges, etc.).
    1. The Treasurer shall prepare a monthly report that summarizes the financial activities of the club. The report will be presented at the BOG meeting.
    2. The Treasurer will be responsible for deposits, withdrawals, and reallocation of funds among the DYC accounts.
    3. The Treasurer will prepare the Draft Annual Budget for review by the BOG and approval at the General Membership Meeting.
    4. The Commodore and Treasurer will have "signature authority" to sign checks drawn on the DYC accounts.
    5. The DYC financial records shall be presented for audit to the appropriate NAVAL BASE review office at the end of the fiscal year.
  5. The Dock Master and Assistant Dock Master are responsible for the proper maintenance and security of DYC and utilized Government property. Some Responsibilities include:
    1. assigning both wet and dry slips, subject to BOG approval
    2. assigning vertical lockers as available
    3. establishing and enforcing the DYC mooring rules and regulations to include safety and a high standard of cleanliness
    4. identifying, defining and supervising volunteer work
    5. ensuring that members vessels are berthed as assigned and that no unauthorized vessels are berthed in DYC slips; and
    6. maintaining custody of, and turning in of, all equipment.
    7. The Dock Master and Assistant Dock Master may obligate funds within the limits of the approved Annual Budget.
  6. The Ex Officio Member will be a previous member of the BOG. The Ex Officio Member will assist in ensuring continuity to the actions of the BOG by serving as a source of information and experience. The Ex Officio member is intended to be the conduit of the membership to the BOG.
  7. The Race Governor will:
    1. establish and head a committee to conduct the races sponsored by DYC as appropriate;
    2. review and establish handicap ratings for yachts as needed;
    3. schedule races and regattas as appropriate;
    4. score and keep records of races;
    5. publish scores of races;
    6. coordinate the DYC racing program with other yachting organizations as appropriate;
    7. as needed, appoint a protest committee to adjudicate conflicts between racers; and
    8. conduct other duties relating to DYC racing as appropriate.
    9. The Race Governor may at his/her discretion, delegate authority to accomplish duties 2 through 8.
  8. The Membership Governor shall be in charge of all membership matters to include new memberships, membership renewals, and membership correspondence. The Membership Governor shall maintain all membership records, make recommendations to the BOG for acceptance or refusal of applications, collect membership fees, and prepare and distribute membership lists. The Membership Governor may form a committee as necessary to carry out the membership functions.
  9. The Social Governor shall be in charge of planning, scheduling, administering, budgeting, and otherwise carrying out the Club's social functions. The Social Governor shall plan an annual schedule of social events which will include the Annual Banquet, trips, raft ups, cocktail parties, award ceremonies, cook outs, etc. The Social Governor shall present a budget to the BOG for approval and shall otherwise manage the allocation of funding designated for social events. The Social Governor shall appoint and chair a social committee which will carry out the above duties.
  10. The Newsletter Editor.
    1. The editor is responsible for the writing, publication, and distribution of the DYC newsletter. The newsletter shall be distributed to all DYC members.
    2. The editor shall prepare the annual publication schedule and budget for the approval of the BOG.
    3. The Editor shall ensure the newsletter contains all notices required by the Constitution or directed by the BOG. The newsletter may also include notices, flyers, calendars, articles, trip reports, racing information, advertisements for the sale of member's personal property, and other information of general interest to DYC members.
  11. The Training and Seamanship Governor shall:
    1. Be responsible for the planning, scheduling, budgeting, and execution of the DYC training and seamanship program.
    2. Develop a training program to meet the needs of the entire membership of the DYC. Training shall include, but not be limited to:
      1. Formal Training such as:
        • Basic Seamanship Skills.
        • Advanced Seamanship Skills.
      2. Seminar type training such as:
        • Sailing Skills.
        • Power Boat Skills.
        • Maintenance Skills.
      3. Special "hands on" instruction programs such as:
        • Beginning Day Sailing.
        • Novice Racing Program.
        • Advanced Sailing Instruction.
    3. Schedule and conduct the training sessions including the following activities:
      1. Securing qualified instructors.
      2. Securing any required instruction material.
      3. Making training site reservations.
      4. Notifying the membership of the training, times, and location.
      5. Collecting and accounting for any fees.
    4. Serve as custodian of the DYC safety boat, provide for the repair and maintenance of the boat and the authorization of the safety boat operators.
    5. Serve as the DYC advocate for the improvement of seamanship skills.
  12. The Information Technology (IT) Governor shall be in charge of maintaining the DYC website, email lists, and is to assist the Membership Governor as needed with IT related items. This Governor will also maintain the DYC computer and may delegate authority as needed to perform the duties of the position.



Upon written application to the BOG, the following categories of membership are available to each eligible person:

  1. Regular Membership (REG)
  2. Associate Membership (ASC)
  3. Racing Associate Membership (RAM)
  4. Unaffiliated Associate Membership (UNA)


  1. All members may vote except as restricted by Article IV, Section 5, paragraph a.
  2. DYC privileges that are appropriate to a member's membership category shall convey to the member's immediate family. Voting privilege, BOG membership, wet berth, dry slip, day sail rack, and locker assignment privileges are not extended to the member's immediate family. A DYC member's immediate family is generally intended to include the member's spouse and children residing within the member's household.
  3. Regular Members, Associate Members, and Unaffiliated Associate Members are entitled to the use of all DYC facilities (wet slips, dry slips, ramp, and lockers). Assignment of slips and lockers is made as described in Article VII, Section 1.
  4. Members of all categories can participate in the social events of DYC and in the sailboat races.
  5. Non-member participants in scheduled regattas or other events shall be extended temporary privileges appropriate to the nature of the event and consistent with normal standards of hospitality.


  1. Regular membership is open to Federal Civilian Employees who are assigned to the NAVAL BASE, Dahlgren, VA, or its tenant commands and all Active Duty Military personnel. Active Duty Military do not have to be attached to NAVAL BASE Dahlgren or tenant commands. Regular Members who are transferred from the NAVAL BASE, Dahlgren, VA to other activities or locations will be eligible for Regular Membership as long as they are Federal Civilian Employees and their DYC Membership is continuous (renewed annually).
  2. Associate membership is open to retired personnel who were Regular Members at the time of their retirement.
  3. Unaffiliated Associate (UNA) membership is open to retired military personnel. The number of members in this category shall be limited to thirty (30) UNA members each year. This limit may be exceeded by the addition of retired military persons who held UNA membership, in good standing, during the previous year, or by specific approval of the BOG.
  4. Racing associate membership is open to anyone not encompassed by the above categories and must be sponsored by a DYC member. The sponsor will be responsible to assist the member with base and facility access as needed for DYC event participation.
  5. Membership may not be denied to any person by virtue of race, color, sex, or creed.


  1. Members are responsible for the safe and proper use of DYC and Government assigned equipment. They are to follow the Constitution and the rules and regulations established by the BOG.
  2. They are to respect the property of other members of DYC and report all violations to the Dock Master or Assistant Dock Master, or Base Security Officer.
  3. They are to contribute time to maintain the DYC facilities or to organize DYC functions.

Section 5: SENIORITY

Seniority is accrued by accumulating years of continuous membership. Seniority in one membership category is not transferable to another. Seniority will be one of the factors considered for berth assignments.

Section 6: REJOINING

If a former member rejoins DYC, any seniority previously held by the member is lost, and seniority is accrued from the time of rejoining.


Any member may lose membership. Revocation of membership will be by the unanimous decision of the Board of Governors after a hearing of the circumstances. This hearing will be arranged by the Secretary and may be rescheduled once to accommodate the schedule of the individual involved. Some reasons for loss of membership include: injury or damage to property through negligence, non-compliance with DYC Constitution or rules and regulations, failure to maintain a vessel in accordance with acceptable standards of seamanship, or the membership of the individual is detrimental to DYC. In the event a member becomes ineligible or is removed from membership, all rights to use of DYC facilities, including berth, and lockers, are forfeited. Berths and lockers are to be vacated by a time determined by the Dock Master.


Former members of DYC who have had their membership revoked may be reinstated only by the unanimous consent of the BOG.


Section 1: CALENDAR

  1. The Club's Membership Year shall be 1 April through 31 March. The Budget Year shall be 1 February through 31 January. The Fiscal Year shall be 1 October through 30 September, the same as the Government Fiscal Year. The term of office of BOG officers shall be in accordance with Article II, Section 2, Paragraph b.
  2. Renewal applications shall be distributed to all current members prior to the beginning of the new membership year so that current members may apply to continue their memberships without lapse. New membership applications may be accepted at any time. The BOG shall review all membership applications for compliance with Article III, Section 3 and shall accept all eligible applications that are accompanied by the required fees.
  3. Board of Governors, General Membership, or committee meetings can be called during the year following procedures established below.
  4. An Annual General Membership Meeting will be held in January prior to the beginning of the next Club Budget Year.
  5. A calendar of events shall be approved by the BOG and published to the General Membership on a regular basis. Separate events calendars may be published by the Race Committee, the Social Committee, and other committees established by the BOG.


Meetings of the BOG may be called at any time by the Commodore or by two or more members of the BOG.


The Secretary will notify the membership of the meeting and keep the minutes. Voting at all meetings will be limited to members in good standing. The members present will constitute a quorum. Article IV, Section 5, paragraph a. is an exception to this provision.


Committees may be established by the Commodore and the BOG to undertake administrative, maintenance, or social functions. The Vice Commodore will nominate members to the BOG for a Chairperson for the Committee.


  1. This Constitution, or any article, may be amended at a general membership meeting. A majority vote of the attending Regular Club members in good standing is required to approve an amendment. The Commodore will submit the amended Constitution to the Commander, NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY SOUTH POTOMAC, NSF DAHLGREN, for final approval.
  2. This Constitution or any article may be amended by the BOG without membership approval for the explicit purpose of maintaining compliance with changes in chain of command, changes of the command organizational name, changes in Navy regulations, and other similar actions as required as long as the change does not alter the intent or function of this Constitution.
  3. Rules and regulations and other grievances may be appealed to the BOG in writing. The BOG will consider the request at their next meeting and will issue a written response as soon as possible after that meeting. If the member feels that a fair hearing was not given by the BOG, a written statement describing the situation can be submitted to the Commander.

Section 6: BUDGET

The Treasurer shall prepare a draft budget for the next Budget Year. The outgoing BOG shall review the draft budget prior to presentation at the annual meeting. The draft budget shall be disseminated to the general membership at the annual meeting for the purpose of receiving comments and recommendations. The newly elected BOG shall consider the comments received at the annual meeting and prepare the final budget. The final budget shall be submitted under separate letter to the Chief Staff Officer Code C2 not later than the end of February. Comments received from C2 shall be reconciled at the March BOG meeting and the budget shall be approved no later than 31 March.



  1. The Dues, Fees and Rate Schedule will be reviewed and approved by the BOG prior to the start of each Membership Year. These rates must be appropriate to provide sufficient income to meet all DYC expenses during the Budget Year. Membership dues are for the membership year specified in Article IV, Section 1, Paragraph A.
  2. All checks are to be made payable to "Treasurer, Dahlgren Yacht Club".
  3. A Penalty Fee will be charged for Wet Berth, Dry Slip, Day Sail Rack, and Locker renewal fees that are received after 15 March. The amount of the Penalty Fee will be set by the BOG.


An emergency assessment may be imposed at anytime by unanimous vote of the BOG in the event of major financial catastrophe. An assessment Limitation will be established at the Annual General Membership Meeting.

Section 3: REFUNDS

No refund of dues, fees, and assessments will be issued after the due date for receipt of such funds. Any exceptions to this policy shall be subject to, and accomplished solely, at the discretion of the BOG.



  1. Club facilities and equipment are meant for the noncommercial use of members in good standing. These facilities are to be consistently maintained by the members in a neat and orderly condition at all times.
  2. Club members are responsible for damage caused by their actions, or vessel, to other boats and the DYC facilities.



Regular, Associate, and Unaffiliated Members are eligible for wet berth, dry slip, day sail rack, and locker assignment. The following assignment procedures have been adopted:

  1. Berth assignments will be made by the Dock Master and approved by the BOG. Berths are limited in number and severely limited by the depth of water and the width of the entrance. All assignments will be made with due consideration for the size and type of vessel.
  2. For safety reasons, wet berth and dry slip rental is limited to members who live or work full time within a 30 mile distance or 30 minute commute of NAVAL BASE, Dahlgren, VA. This restriction is necessary to assure that personnel who keep boats at the DYC facility can respond to emergency weather situations in a reasonable amount of time.
  3. Once assigned, berths cannot be transferred, swapped, or exchanged without permission of the Dock Master. Berth and locker assignments are in effect for the duration of the current membership year.
  4. To be eligible for slip assignment, all co-owners of the same boat must be Regular, Associate, or Unaffiliated Associate members of the Club. For the purpose of this rule, co-owners are defined as members of separate households.
  5. In the event that demand exceeds the number of wet berths, dry slips, day sail racks, or lockers, the following priority of assignment is established for requests received by 15 March:
    1. Regular, Associate, and Unaffiliated Members who were assigned wet berths, dry slips, day sail racks, or lockers during the previous DYC season.
    2. Other Regular Members
    3. Associate Members
    4. Unaffiliated Associate Members
    5. Requests received after 15 March will be assigned wet berths, dry slips, day sail racks, or lockers, if available, in the order received.
  6. Members owning more than one boat and desiring to berth all their boats at DYC shall be afforded that privilege if space is available after all other requests have been filled. All berthing assignments may be appealed for review by the BOG.
  7. Vessels otherwise eligible to be kept in DYC berths must meet the following restrictions.
    1. DYC must be the primary berthing location for any vessel kept at the DYC facility. Vessels primarily berthed at other locations will not be assigned berths at DYC. Absence for winter haul-out and temporary absences during the boating season are expected and will not disqualify a vessel for berth assignment.
    2. Vessels berthed at DYC must be maintained in a seaworthy condition and must have current registrations as appropriate for the vessel type and size.
    3. Vessels berthed at DYC must be in regular use. Berths will not be assigned for the storage of inactive vessels. Vessels not in regular use during the previous season are considered to be inactive vessels, and may not be offered renewal of the slip assignment for the following season. The Dock Master shall prepare a list of inactive vessels. The BOG will review the list of inactive vessels before issue of notices of berth non-renewal. The owner of the inactive vessel will be notified of the decision to not renew the berth assignment. The refusal to renew the berth assignment may be appealed to the BOG up to the due date for berth renewal. The vessel owner may apply for a new berth assignment any time after the due date for berth renewal if, in the opinion of the BOG, the vessel has returned to regular use.