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DYC Centerboard Season High Points


Race Officer: Sarver
Conditions: Overcast 7 knots
Temperature: 67
FLLP 5-1 - Overall Fleet - 9/21/2015 at 17:00
Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Helm Class Rating Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points
1 Gosse Laser 91.1 0:06:00 0:20:23 0:14:23 0:15:47 0:00:00 91.1 9.1
2 Rowe Laser 91.1 0:06:00 0:20:43 0:14:43 0:16:09 0:00:20 93.211 7.3
3 D. Haas Laser 91.1 0:06:00 0:20:49 0:14:49 0:16:16 0:00:26 93.845 5.5
4 Owen Laser 91.1 0:06:00 0:21:14 0:15:14 0:16:43 0:00:51 96.484 3.7
5 Sarver Laser 91.1     RO       3.5
6 Beck Laser 91.1 0:06:00 0:21:50 0:15:50 0:17:23 0:01:27 100.284 1.9
FLLP 5-1 - Laser Fleet - 9/21/2015 at 17:00
Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Helm Class Rating Start Finish Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points
1 Gosse Laser 91.1 0:06:00 0:20:23 0:14:23 0:15:47 0:00:00 91.1 9.1
2 Rowe Laser 91.1 0:06:00 0:20:43 0:14:43 0:16:09 0:00:20 93.211 7.3
3 D. Haas Laser 91.1 0:06:00 0:20:49 0:14:49 0:16:16 0:00:26 93.845 5.5
4 Sarver Laser 91.1     RO       3.8
5 Owen Laser 91.1 0:06:00 0:21:14 0:15:14 0:16:43 0:00:51 96.484 3.7
6 Beck Laser 91.1 0:06:00 0:21:50 0:15:50 0:17:23 0:01:27 100.284 1.9
FLLP 5-1 - Port Fleet - 9/21/2015 at 17:00
Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Helm Class Rating Place Points
Scoring codes used
Code Description Points
DNC Did not come to the starting area 0
DNF Started but did not finish 1
DSQ Disqualification 1
RO Race Officer Credit - Average of completed races Varies

High Points Sunset Scoring => 1 + ((((Starters - Place +0.5)/Starters)*9)

BCE => Back Computed Elapsed time for yacht to yield same corrected time as lead yacht
BCR => Back Computed Rating for yacht to yield same corrected time as lead yacht

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.19.8