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DYC Burgee

Dahlgren Yacht Club
St. Clements Pursuit Race Data Form

Dahlgren Yacht Club
Standard Yacht Race Entry Form

Entry for: PHRF Monday Series ___ Centerboard Series____
                   PHRF Saturday Series ___ Other:______________

Skipper's Name___________________________ Telephone ____________

Mailing Address __________________________PHRF Rating __________

                             __________________________Sail No. ______________


Email__________________________________ Boat Name____________

Club Affiliation__________________________ Spinnaker or Nonspin_____

Max crew allowed by PHRF rules ______________

Rating Information

If a PHRF certificate is not available, please provide the following information:

Boat type (manufacturer, model and version,
i.e., Morgan 25, TM CB)__________________________________________

Largest Head Sail Size (110%, 155%, 170%) ___________________
Spinnaker Size (180%, 190%)                          ___________________
Spinnaker Pole Size (100%, 105%)                ____________________
Keel Type (Fin, Shoal, Center Board)             ____________________

If Boat is not normally rated by PHRF provide the following:

LOA _______LWL _______Mainsail Area_______ Headsail Area _______

I agree to abide by the regulations and sailing instructions provided by the Dahlgren Yacht Club for this event. I certify that this yacht conforms in every way to Class Rules and Measurements and is provided with the appropriate safety equipment required by the Class Rules. In consideration of being permitted to enter this event, being knowledgeable of the risks of competitive sailing and knowing that it is my sole responsibility to decide whether to enter or to continue any arc, I voluntary assume the risk of participation in this event and release the Dahlgren Yacht Club, sponsors and anyone connected with or conduction this event from all liability in connection with any injury or damage that may occur.

Skipper's Signature __________________________ Date __________

If under 18 years of age, parent or guardian's signature _____________

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Page Last Updated 1/25/2023

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