DYC Spring Low Points
Race Officer: Blessed
Course: Non-Spinnaker - N/A Spinnaker N/A
Conditions: Race cancelled due to lack of wind
Temperature: 80
Course: Non-Spinnaker - N/A Spinnaker N/A
Conditions: Race cancelled due to lack of wind
Temperature: 80
Start: Non-Spinnaker, Finishes: Place, Time: 0:06:00
Start: Spinnaker1, Finishes: Place, Time: 0:11:00
Start: Spinnaker2, Finishes: Place, Time: 0:16:00
Boat | Rank | Fleet | Class | Custom | Place | Points |
Start: Spinnaker1, Finishes: Place, Time: 0:11:00
Start: Spinnaker2, Finishes: Place, Time: 0:16:00
Boat | Rank | Fleet | Class | PHRFTOT | Place | Points |
Start: Non-Spinnaker, Finishes: Place, Time: 0:06:00
Boat | Rank | Fleet | Class | PHRFTOT | Place | Points |
Code | Description |
DNC | Did not come to the starting area |
DNF | Started but did not finish |
RO | Race Officer Credit - Average of started races |
Rating System = PHRFTOT => Corrected time is PHRF Corrected Time-on-Time
Note: Summary Table shows BASE handicap while individual Race Tables show ASSIGNED handicaps
BCE => Back Computed Elapsed time for yacht to yield same corrected time as lead yacht
BCR => Back Computed Rating for yacht to yield same corrected time as lead yacht